Home Carrollton Senior Oriented Development, Windmill Park, Proposed for Cottage Hill Road

Senior Oriented Development, Windmill Park, Proposed for Cottage Hill Road


City of Carrollton Planning Commission approved a proposed annexation and rezoning request by John Denny on November 5th, 2016. The proposed Windmill Park could start construction as early as Spring of 2017 off Cottage Hill Road. According to the planning documents, Windmill Park would consist of Senior Oriented living. A closer look at the conceptual land planning map for Windmill Park shows attached homes (Possible Town homes), Cottage styled homes, and premium single family detached homes.  The Brown Family originally owned the property. Mr. Brown used to construct windmills in this area, so that is the reason why a windmill still exists on the property. The windmill would remain and turned into a pathway park, according to the plans. Mr. Denny tells The Carrollton Menu that he envisions a walkable community full of sidewalks, golf cart area, nature park, and a possible Greenbelt extension.

Carrollton Mayor and City Council will give their final approval to the proposed project during the December meeting. This is an exciting time of growth for the City of Carrollton! Keep watching The Carrollton Menu for more updates!


Courtesy of John Denny