Carrollton Parks and Recreation Department’s popular Daddy/Daughter and Mother/Son dances return to the Depot on Bradley, February 5, 6 and 8, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm each night.
The Welcome to Hollywood–themed dances will feature dessert and door prizes and a photo booth will be available at no additional charge.
The February 5 dance is for girls, pre-K – second grade. The February 6 dance will welcome girls, grades 3 – 8 and the February 8 dance will be for boys, pre-K – sixth grade.
Tickets are $30 per couple in advance and $40 at the door. Additional children can be admitted for $15 each. Tickets are available at carrolltonparksandrec.com and at the door.
For more information, contact Carrollton Parks and Recreation Department at (770) 832-1161.