Central High School named the 2024 Junior Marshals for graduation. The Junior Marshal honor is awarded to members of the 11th grade class with the highest academic standing. These students have the opportunity to assist with the baccalaureate and graduation ceremonies.
Students recognized as 2024 Junior Marshals are Max Albright, Emanuel Armira Montenegro, Gabriella Baldassarri, Jackson Brandenburg, Lyrica Buchanan, J.G. Burns, Madelyne Caldwell, Courtney Carroll, Khaven Cochran, Allison Cook, Korbin Dietrich, Karlee Dodson, Ella Dunn, Emily Dutton, Allison Edwards, Christion Ferrell, Olivia Fountain, William Fountain, Ashley George, Charlie Gibbs, Logan Grance, Loretta Griffin, Mary Lois Griffis, William Grissett, Kevin Guevara-Ramos, Taylor Haines, Bailey Hamilton, Allison Haney, Hannah Hembree, Colson Hoffman, Joshua Horsley, Emma Ivy, Isabella Jackson, Lauren Janowiak, Lawson Jones, Maya Jones, Brent Martin, Huckleberry Maxwell, Mattie McGouirk, Anna McMahan, Kai McMichael, Trenton McSpadden, Cassandra Mercier, Jessica Miller, Caden Morehead, Maggie Payton, Michele Presley, Robert Pueyo, Jordyn Quattlebaum, Caleb Richter, Jackson Rose, Audrey Shead, Mia Smith, Zoe Stewart, Elizabeth Taylor, Caitlyn Turman, Annabelle Turpin, Carley Velez, Luke White, William White, Hannah Whitlock, Avery Williamson, Rachel Wilson, Luke Worley, and Norah Yarbrough.