Carrollton High School graduates of the Class of 2024 received nearly 15 million in scholarship offers from colleges and universities.
The majority of the awards were offered by educational institutions, but there also were private awards presented by individuals and nonprofit entities, including the Carrollton City Schools Education Foundation.
Though many students earned awards for academic success, five graduates were presented $10,000 awards from the REACH Scholarship program for their commitment to academic achievement. The REACH Georgia Scholarship program promises students the support they need to graduate from high school and achieve postsecondary success. This year, five recipients will receive $10,000 scholarships to attend a Georgia college or university as a reward for successfully completing the mentoring/support program: Jace Black, Angelina Jackson, Sophia Morales, Nour Nazim, and A’Jaiah Ward.
CHS emphasizes a focus on academics, arts and athletics and has produced a mix of scholarship offers that recognize the outcome of this focus. Eight students received significant scholarships for their academic excellence: Andrew Albertus received a scholarship to Presbyterian College totaling more than $120,000; Regan Kelley received the Hagan Scholarship to the University of Miami, which will cover all of her tuition; Edward Kenyon received the National Merit University of Georgia Scholarship; Shad McMillan received the Gates Scholarship, which will cover all of his tuition to the University of Georgia; Hagan Russell received a scholarship to Mercer University totaling nearly $170,000; Autumn Martin received an $83,000 scholarship to Emory University; Sophia Morales is a Questbridge Scholarship recipient and received a full ride to Washington and Lee University; and Sarah Scholl received the National Merit University of Alabama Scholarship.
“These students thrived academically at Carrollton High School and are well-rounded and multi-talented,” said CHS Principal Ian Lyle. “I am eager to follow their college journeys and am confident they will continue to make us proud.”
Of the 431 graduating seniors in the Class of 2024, 285 are eligible for the HOPE Scholarship, which provides nearly $2 million in tuition support for in-state institutions. Carrollton High School is dedicated to personalizing graduation plans for all seniors and supporting their diverse futures. This year, 75% of graduates plan to attend a two–or four-year college, 21% will enter the workforce, and 4% have enlisted in the military.