The following is an article from the City of Carrollton’s monthly newsletter. Click to join.
As Fire Marshal Tracy “TD” Smith and Battalion Chief Bill Messer get ready to retire from the Carrollton Fire Department, both say they are extremely proud of their service to the citizens of Carrollton and Carroll County over the past four decades.
Tracy started with the city in 1984, left to serve as Carroll County Fire Chief then returned to the CFD.
“I have been in the fire service for 43 years with the City of Carrollton or Carroll County – my whole adult life,” said Tracy. “I have really enjoyed the fire service as a career. When I was a kid and would go missing, my parents would always find me hanging out at the fire station on Rome Street with the firefighters, so I guess it was a must that I became a firefighter.”
Among his duties as fire marshal, Tracy works with business owners and contractors to help them have a safe environment. He also works with the contractors that are building structures, installing fire sprinkler systems, fire alarms and fire extinguishers helping them meet the State of Georgia minimum fire safety laws and codes.
Bill started with the city in 1991. He oversees the day-to-day operation of all four stations on B Shift, sets up and maintains major incident command and works collaboratively with other city departments.
Both men have seen many changes during their tenures.
“We added Ladder Company 21 and Fire Station 24,” Bill said. “We also increased our staff to cover these areas. We also rebuilt Fire Station 22 and 23. Our department has received a Number One ISO rating, which is the highest available. The job now requires me to be more versatile and proficient in fire suppression, medical response and handling hazardous materials.”
Tracy said the addition of new equipment, well-trained firefighters and crucial staffing positions the city has added have helped the department serve the citizens better.
“The fire department’s support from the mayor and council has allowed it to be what it is today,” Tracy said. “While the fire service is always changing and improving, we have many items in place to meet the new challenges of the future.”
Tracy said working with new business owners and contractors is his favorite part of being fire marshal while Bill said he enjoys working with the staff most, especially new hires, helping them become proficient in their jobs.
Of the many projects in which he has had a hand, Bill is proudest of his involvement with improving the department’s EMS response and forming the HAZMat team. Tracy notes he’s played a role in every major project that has been built in the city since he became fire marshal, since all must be submitted to his office for review, approval and inspection.
Tracy grew up in Carrollton and graduated from Carrollton High School. His retirement plans include a lot of traveling and enjoying his farm.
“To the city and fellow employees, keep supporting the departments as the future changes and employees strive to be the best that you can be at whatever position you work in,” he said.
Bill was born in Ashland, Alabama. He and his wife, Beth live in Villa Rica and have a daughter, Tammy, and a granddaughter, Alexis.
“It has been an honor to work for the Carrollton Fire Service,” Bill said. “It is bittersweet to be leaving, but I am excited about the next chapter of my life. I am proud of the contribution that I have been able to make for the department and the city.”