Home Carrollton Top 10 Life Events That Should Prompt an Estate Plan Review

Top 10 Life Events That Should Prompt an Estate Plan Review

From Milestone Investment Management LLC:
1.Change in Marital Status: Marriage, Remarriage or Divorce
2.Change of Family Members: Birth Or Adoption of a Child
3.Change in Value of Assets: Substantial Shifts Warrant Review
4.Change of Location: Laws Vary From State to State
5.Change of Beneficiary Status: Death of a Beneficiary Means Review is Needed
6. Changes in the Law: It’s The Advisor’s Responsibility to Keep Track
7. Changes in Work Status: Retirement Requires Estate Plan Review
8. Change of Health Status: Illness or Disability Can Significantly Impact the Plan
9. Changes in Career: Promotions or Job Loss Should Prompt a Review
10. Change in the Number of Dependents: Assets Fluctuate and Changes Should Be Evaluated

Contact Milestone Investment Management LLC at (770) 830-0063

View their website here

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Alice Ridley-Teal
Six-time STAR teacher, Alice taught Advanced Placement English, literature, composition, speech and theater for over twenty years, part of which time she also served as Director of Admissions, Development, Public Relations, and Alumni at Oak Mountain Academy. She is the managing partner of Ridley-Teal Properties and content editor for the City Menus. She is a board member of the Carroll Symphony Orchestra and enjoys playing flute with the Carroll Community Wind Ensemble.