Home Carrollton UWG’s Z-6 Receives Redesigned Entranceway

UWG’s Z-6 Receives Redesigned Entranceway

20160717_068_Z6EntranceReno2 20160717_068_Z6EntranceReno1
Left: Z-6 Entrance before; Right: Z-6 Entrance Now

As the last part of a major exterior renovation (read that story here), UWG’s Z-6 Dining Hall recently received a redesigned entranceway. The high-walled flower bed and square archway have been removed. In their place, you’ll find one flower bed level with the ground along with a low-walled circular feature that doubles as a bench area. These changes come at the same time as the university’s having ended a long-term relationship with dining services contractor Aramark in favor of establishing its own in-house program known as Dine West. To learn more about Dine West, visit their website.

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Kevin Hemphill
Kevin is a reporter for The City Menus. A 2007 graduate of the University of West Georgia, he moved out of state briefly before returning to the Carroll County community in 2013. He enjoys seeing and writing about the growth in Carrollton and surrounding communities.