State Representative Micah Gravley authored a Resolution that was adopted by the Georgia House of Representatives to honor Douglas County’s Ama-Kanasta Garden Club, and it was formally presented to them during the Monday, March 20th Session of the House.
The Resolution recognized the garden club’s 50th anniversary and recent recognitions by the University of Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture for its Butterfly Garden at the Cultural Arts Center; its contribution of thousands of dollars towards scholarships for students majoring in horticulture or an environmentally related field of study; and for its selection over the years as the garden club in Georgia that does the most to promote the objectives and projects of the Garden Clubs of Georgia.
The Deep South Region of the National Garden Club honored Ama-Kanasta with its Best Garden Cub award in 2011; the Deep South Region covers seven states.
Members of the Ama-Kanasta Garden Club were in the Gallery of the Georgia House of Representatives during the recognition, were asked to stand, and received an ovation from the House. The Resolution was supported by the rest of the Douglas County Legislative Delegation.