Rapha Clinic of West Georgia, a non-profit, faith-based charity serving the uninsured with medical and dental needs, is proud to announce the opening of a brand-new facility in Temple. The 3,150 square foot facility will boast four rooms dedicated to dental services and at least three medical exam rooms. The new healthcare complex will also have a separate place for training, health education classes, and healthy nutritional lifestyle courses. The public is encouraged to tour the Rapha Clinic, during an open house on Sunday, December 2 from 2:00 to 5:00 PM.
The non-profit is seeking additional donors and volunteers to support the 501(c)3 organization. Patient and data statistics in 2017 showed that for every dollar donated to the charitable care clinic, there was a seven-fold gain in healthcare for our neighbors.
“Everyone at Rapha Clinic feels so blessed and excited to open this new facility,” said Rapha Executive Director, Dr. Joseph Cox. “We look forward to hosting the community at our open house, in addition to making a positive impact on the community.”
Since opening in 2010, Rapha Clinic has been providing free medical care to adults who are at or below 200% of the federal poverty level and who are uninsured. Rapha provides medical and dental care, along with mammograms, Healthy Lifestyle classes, gynecological exams, and cardiac stress testing. Through a Prescription Assistance Program, Rapha helps patients receive most of their medications for free. The Tanner Mammography Mobile Unit also partners with Rapha to provide screenings.
“It’s humbling to have been able to serve so many patients since the opening of our first location eight years ago,” said Rapha Medical Director Dr. Amy Eubanks. “This beautiful new and updated facility will allow us to further the Rapha Clinic vision as we care for West Georgians in need.”
For more information about Rapha Clinic or to attend the open house, please call 770-562-4501 or visit www.raphaclinic.org.