It’s game on at downtown Carrollton’s Amp Park thanks to new outdoor recreation equipment.
Carrollton Main Street recently installed outdoor gaming equipment in the park between the Amp and courthouse parking deck. The park now features two ping-pong tables, a foosball table, a chess table and cornhole boards, all made out of concrete to withstand the elements.
“During community workshops held last year for Carrollton’s Comprehensive Plan update, inactive parks were brought up several times,” said Main Street Director Aundi Lesley. “Many citizens said they would like to activate some of those parks and see those spaces better utilized. The Main Street Board and I thought the park in the heart of downtown, right behind the Amp, would be a great place to start.”
People can check out and return chess and checkers pieces, cornhole bags, foosballs and ping-pong balls and paddles at Otter’s Chicken right behind the Amp during their business hours or can bring their own game pieces.
“The community can play during our Main Street events, while waiting for a table at one of our restaurants or come hang out and play any day of the week,” Lesley said.
The gaming gear was purchased with 2018 Taste of Carrollton proceeds. A ribbon cutting for the new park equipment was held July 11.
For questions concerning the Amp, please call Aundi Lesley, Carrollton Main Street director, at (770) 832-6901.