Home Carrollton Support Semper Fi Century and Mean Marine Metric for Toys for Tots...

Support Semper Fi Century and Mean Marine Metric for Toys for Tots Cycling Event and Toy Drive

You can participate in supporting the inaugural Semper Fi Century and Mean Marine Metric cycling ride event and toy drive organized by the Carroll County Cycling Club with proceeds benefiting the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. 

Cycling riders can register and participate in a choice of three different cycling rides. Semper Fi Century consists of a 102-mile course through the hills of West Georgia. The Mean Marine Metric is a 64-mile long course through the hills of Carroll County. The Jarhead Jaunt Half-Metric is a casual 36-mile half-metric ride. Each course has a fully supported rest stop every 20 miles, SAG (Support and Gear) Support, and an event t-shirt included. There will be a light lunch as well as a DJ on-site to provide entertainment.

The Semper Fi Century and Mean Marine Metric event is $50 to ride, and proceeds will go to Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. Participants are asked to bring a new, unwrapped toy for the toy drive event. 

The event starts on Saturday, October 2nd, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. at West Georgia Cycling, located at 150 Maple Crossing Suite 117, Carrollton, Georgia 30117. 

Please visit https://www.semperficentury.com/ for more information about the organization, event details, donations, sponsorships, and registration. To sign up and register, please visit Bikesignup for more information. For event updates, please visit the official Semper Fi Century Facebook page.

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Brandy Alexandrya
Brandy is a well established content writer and copywriter, who cherishes her passion for writing very much. She is proud of to be apart of The City Menus Team and strives to bring the best content possible.