Dr. Allison Key means business. And business in another state. 3:16 Healthcare will be expanding their reach to east Alabama, specifically on Main Street in Ranburne!
“Some of our providers and nurses will be returning to their hometown of Ranburne, Alabama, to serve, so you’ll see some new healthcare providers at our 3:16 Family Medicine Carrollton location,” Key states.
3:16 opened their Bremen location in 2017 and have quickly gained numerous patients in both Bremen & Carrollton, many of which are impressed by the work, leaving glowing reviews on Facebook of the nurses and doctors who cared for them, citing that care and compassion were at the center of it all. But how does Key keep these current locations staffed with the best? The answer is in the care she gives her employees.
“So many people tried to discourage me from offering a full benefits package when we started out as a small business, but I really believed that would be critical to attracting the kind of people I wanted to work alongside everyday,” she postulates. “Our staff members care deeply, love openly, work hard, have a great sense of humor, measure the hard days with a good perspective, and are genuinely the kind of people who become not just your co-workers, but your friends. We have certainly faced our challenges; however, our work family is what sets us apart, and I feel like workers today are seeking that kind of environment.”
What excites Dr. Key about opening the Ranburne location is that more patients can experience what it feels like to be known by name and cared for like family.
“Hometown healthcare, where they know your name when you walk in the door, is one of my founding principles, so being able to have another office that “feels like home” makes me excited to wake up every morning!”
New patients can phone in appointments at 938-526-0010 or visit the office at 21178 Main Street, Ranburne, Alabama. You can also visit their website at www.316familymedicine.us for a full list of services and providers.