The Carrollton Center for the Arts will welcome Bren McClain, author of the critically acclaimed One Good Mama Bone, for an interactive master class, What is Working? Do More of That!, during Carrollton BookFest, April 5.
This day-long session is designed to take a writer’s novel, short story or memoir to the next level. Twelve writers will receive critique and guidance from McClain to improve their work. Selection is competitive and open to writers of prose, fiction or nonfiction, (no poetry).
Authors wishing to be considered should prepare a piece of 1,000 words (preferably from the beginning of their manuscript) and should not put their name in or on the file (a numbering system will be applied).
Submit to [email protected]. Submissions should include the writer’s name and contact information in the email. There is a non-refundable fee of $25, which is payable through Eventbrite. If selected, instructions for payment of the remaining fee of $75 will be sent by email. Submission deadline is February 17, 2024.
Selected authors will be notified March 2 and must submit a piece of work up to 2,500 words by March 16. The morning will include feedback and the afternoon will be spent revising or writing additional material..
For more information, visit carrolltonbookfest.com or email [email protected].