City of LaGrange Accepting Applications for 2024-2025 LaGrange Youth Council

The City of LaGrange is now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 LaGrange Youth Council.

The deadline to turn in applications is Friday, May 3rd, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Interviews will be held May 6th – May 17th. Youth Council members will be selected by Monday, May 20th. Members will be required to attend the first meeting on Tuesday, August 27th.

The LaGrange Youth Council is an advisory board composed of local youth that provides advice and counsel to the local governing body. The Youth Council gives local youth a more formal role in the decision-making process offering real-world experiences with elected bodies.

Twenty-four students will be selected to participate in the LaGrange Youth Council.

To be considered, student applicants must meet the following criteria:

·      Submittal of this application filled out in its entirety and turned in no later than Friday, May 3rd at 5:00 p.m.

·      Be presently enrolled in high school. Applicant will be a junior or senior in 2024-2025

·      Attend the mandatory orientation session on Tuesday, August 27th, 2024.  

·      Be academically eligible to participate in school sports and extracurricular activities

·      Be free of any serious disciplinary infractions within the last six months

·      Be able to think critically and articulate thoughts and ideas

·      Have an interest in learning about government and how it functions

·      Possess potential leadership skills

·      Secure parental or guardian permission and support

·      Must be a resident of the City of LaGrange, within city limits

The application deadline is Friday, May 3rd at 5:00 p.m. Please email the completed application to Adam Speas at [email protected] or turn in the completed application on the third floor of City Hall, 200 Ridley Avenue in the Marketing/Communications office.

To obtain an application go to and download an application.

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