Access to safe water can be life-changing – providing help and hope while creating educational and economic opportunities that break the cycle of poverty. Throughout the world, billions of people have no choice but to use contaminated water, exposing them to dangerous water-related illnesses.
Help us make a difference by joining Southwire’s Project GIFT and Water Mission for our third-annual Walk for Water on Saturday, April 6, to raise funds to help address this global issue.
The event will take place at Southwire’s corporate headquarters in Carrollton, Ga. Check-in will begin at 8:30 A.M. (EDT), followed by the event at 10:00 A.M. (EDT).
This year, Southwire’s goal is to raise $30,000 in support of Water Mission. Every dollar raised will go directly back into Water Mission’s efforts in Honduras and Mexico. Southwire and Water Mission have worked together to designate funds raised through this event to these two areas, as Southwire has operations and an existing Giving Back presence in both countries.
The Walk for Water event raises awareness for the global water crisis, and at the event, participants will walk a course that is roughly the same length as the daily route that many people around the world take to get fresh water each day.
“This event is special to me because it presents such a unique opportunity to connect families in the west Georgia area to a global need,” said Kristian Whittington, director of Giving Back. “As a mother, I cannot imagine a world where I would have to walk miles and miles one way just to access a water source to care for my children. Clean, safe water is a basic need to which everyone should have equity of access. By hosting Walk for Water to support Water Mission, we are helping to provide clean water for one child, one family and one community at a time.”
In addition to the walk in Carrollton, facilities in Bremen, Ind., Denton, Texas, York, Penn., Canada and Honduras are hosting walks in their communities as part of a larger signature effort across the company to get involved with Water Mission.
Online registration for the Walk for Water is now open. Participants may also register at the event, but we cannot guarantee that your preferred t-shirt size will be available at that time. A virtual walk option is also available. For more information about the walk and how your family and friends can get involved, please click here.
Project GIFT’s Walk for Water is made possible thanks to the generosity of many community sponsors including the University of West Georgia, MedImpact, 3:16 Healthcare, Times-Georgian, New Leaf Marketing, Gradick Communications, Phoenix Wood Products, Heart Wood Products, Jason Templeton State Farm and Tisinger Vance.
If you are interested in becoming a partner or have any additional questions regarding the Walk for Water event, please call the Project GIFT Hotline at 770-832-4729, or send an email to [email protected].
Stay tuned to Southwire’s Newsroom at www.southwire.com/newsroom and social media channels for the latest updates on this event.