City of Carrollton Spotlight: Marvin Hutchinson

The following was submitted by the City of Carrollton:

Lead Equipment Operator Marvin Hutchinson’s responsibilities include cutting grass, tree trimming and removal and equipment maintenance for the Parks and Recreation Department.

Marvin started as a part-timer in 1984, but was soon upgraded to full-time. He has seen many changes in Carrollton over the past four decades.

“There are a lot more people and a lot more equipment,” Marvin said. “The old city shop at Lakeshore moved to the old airplane hangar where we used a wood burning stove for heat.” 

He also recalls seeing changes and upgrades across the park system including new playgrounds, a dog park at Longview Park, a walking track at Knox Park and crepe myrtles (which he planted) installed along Highway 27. 

In addition to the crepe myrtles, Marvin planted and pruned holly trees around the square, installed the plantings at the park and ride, sprigged the soccer fields, sodded the Oil Park gazebo area and weeded in the city cemetery.

“I like everything I do,” Marvin said of his job. “Especially cutting grass. I like all the city employees and I like and respect my bosses.”

Marvin was born in Carrollton and is a graduate of Carrollton High School.

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