Home Bremen Bremen First Baptist Church Invites You to West Georgia Ambassador’s Academy This...

Bremen First Baptist Church Invites You to West Georgia Ambassador’s Academy This Fall

Bremen First Baptist Church members feel that their church has been blessed to partner with Living Waters Ministries for this first-of-its-kind evangelistic opportunity in the Eastern United States. Director of Living Waters Europe John Harris, and Manuel Brambilla, personal assistant to Ray Comfort, Founder and CEO of LivingWaters.com and the bestselling author of more than 90 books, will be traveling over 4,000 miles to equip Academy students with Biblical insights and practical, on-the-ground wisdom that they have gained from thousands of witnessing conversations across the globe. 

In this unique learning opportunity, Academy students will learn answers to popular questions and objections such as – “How can the Bible be trusted if it was written by men?” and “How can God exist when there is so much evil and suffering?”. 

Many Christians deeply desire to follow Jesus’ command to share their faith, but they truthfully don’t know what to say.

If you have been wanting to learn how to make your home a mission field and want  to communicate the gospel effectively to your family, friends, and neighbors, then you do not want to miss the East Coast Ambassador’s Academy coming this October 30th through November 2nd.

Academy students will also learn how to refute other world religions and philosophies, and how to preach the law and practice grace like Jesus did. Best of all, Academy students will have the chance to practice what they learn. On both Halloween night and Saturday, they will go alongside their team leaders to pass out gospel tracts and do real open-air witnessing in the neighborhoods and on street corners.

The Academy is open to Christians of all denominations. Early-bird signups are still open for a limited time.

Please visit www.fbcbremen.org -> East Coast Ambassadors’ Academy or you can click here for the Eventbrite form.