Home Headlines Tallapoosa Businesses to Collaborate in  Downtown Master Plan Next Week

Tallapoosa Businesses to Collaborate in  Downtown Master Plan Next Week

For years, Tallapoosa residents and small businesses have gathered in their quirky downtown  district to celebrate holidays, hold festivals, and even showcase the famous Possum Drop. Now, they will be putting their heads together to create a downtown master plan that will serve as a  blueprint to direct growth and development in the downtown area for the next 5-10 years.

Toole Design, the firm hired to create the master plan, will be set up in the vacant building immediately  east of Santa Fe Mexican Restaurant the week of August 19-23rd. Residents and local stakeholders can  participate in a weeklong charrette designed to brainstorm with the local community to create a unique  vision tailored to Tallapoosa.  

Many Tallapoosa businesses will be participating in special promotions called “Meet Me Downtown” in an effort to garner more participation in the master plan process but will also  afford local residents an opportunity to get in on special promotions and a chance to win some  great prizes at weeks end. Look for the “Meet Me Downtown Tallapoosa” logo on local businesses to see what they have to offer, or click here to see a full list

“We are excited to support the Meet Me Downtown effort and the weeklong charrette with Toole Design. We want all downtown merchants to know they are an important part of the community  and we are committed to making a vibrant downtown and a place everyone can enjoy.” Said Mayor Brett Jones. 

Mayor Jones has been pleased with the support from everyone involved and is grateful everyone  is embracing the project the way they are.  

Momentum has picked up since the initial master plan considerations began in January. 

Kevin Bacon, with Toole Design, will assist with the master plan charrette next week and comments on what he observes in town. 

“I’ve lived in Georgia for years and have always had a fascination with towns on the railroads,”  he says. “There’s a [certain] fire in Tallapoosa. It’s a small town with a big heart.” 

Bacon will facilitate the master plan charrette alongside a few other Toole Design planners. The group will be posted at the vacant building mentioned above from noon until 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday and welcomes all stakeholders to join in the discussion and brainstorming process! 

For more information about the design charrette or the Meet Me Downtown campaign, email Suzy Montalto at [email protected] or visit the city’s website here.

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Jessica Liang
Jessica is a military brat who dubbed Carrollton her hometown a decade ago. She likes to write about locals who impact the community in a positive way. In her free time she starts and maybe finishes home improvement projects, sews, and scrapbooks.