Atlanta Brick Company, one of the largest LEGO© retailers, is ready for growth after the Coweta County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a rezoning request for 4237 East Highway 34, Sharpsburg, from RC (Rural Conservation) to C-3 (Commercial Retail)–Mercantile with Office and Storage Space. The store, locally owned and operated by Chris Cott, has been a staple in the Newnan area for the past decade, offering a unique shopping experience that draws visitors from all around. “We’re bursting at the seams with LEGO©,” Cott, co-owner of Atlanta Brick Co., said. “Our new building will give us approximately twice the space to display products and host events like birthday parties, clubs, and camps, which we haven’t been able to do since the pandemic.”
The expansion will also accommodate Atlanta Brick Co.’s sister company, Y’allywood Props, which specializes in collectible movie props and memorabilia. Long-term plans include enlarging the props showroom to reflect the expected growth of Y’allywood Props, mirroring the success of Atlanta Brick Co. Cott described the current store as a “LEGO© wonderland” that captures visitors with its vibrant displays and rare finds. The new store will expand this atmosphere, providing an immersive experience for customers. “We want visits to be an experience, not just a shopping trip,” Cott said. The store sets itself apart from other toy stores by focusing exclusively on LEGO© and related products. Unique offerings include individual LEGO© minifigures, bulk LEGO© pieces, rare, discontinued sets, and custom third-party accessories. This niche approach has earned Atlanta Brick Co. the nickname “the Buc-ees of LEGO© stores.”
Atlanta Brick Co. has shown its commitment to the local community. Over the years the business has supported churches, schools, teams, and nonprofits and plans to continue these efforts as it grows. Cott also mentioned the store’s social media presence, which allows them to share the store experience with fans who cannot make a trip in person. Currently employing more than 30 residents, Atlanta Brick Co. plans to expand career opportunities for those passionate about LEGO©. “We want to sustain this growth and offer more opportunities for individuals to pursue their passion as a career,” Cott said.
While the rezoning request has sparked some discussion, Cott said that measures are in place to minimize the project’s impact on neighboring properties. Requirements from the Environmental Health Department, Georgia Department of Transportation, and other conditions outlined by the Board of Commissioners will hold the development accountable for alignment with Quality Development Corridor standards. “As a local resident myself, I’m just glad it will not be another vape shop, gas station, fast food restaurant, or car wash,” Cott said.