Holding onto the Memory of Vintage Beauty 

When you look up the word “vintage” in the dictionary, one definition would be “old-fashioned,” another, “classic.” The word “peacock” evokes images of beauty, which is clearly displayed in the male bird’s feathers. When both words are used together, this writer believes it means an old-fashioned, classic beauty—much like a Hollywood star of old. Darrell Stevens opened Vintage Peacock, a unique shop, in November of 2023 on Bankhead Highway in Carrollton. The owner took the love for his wife Becky Martin Stevens and put it into a tribute, filled with items that were her favorites. 

He and Becky had been married forty-two years when he lost her January 18th, 2023, to Heaven’s embrace. Over four decades of marriage is a long time, but not long enough from Darrell’s point of view. He and the love of his life traveled the world during their marriage, and Becky brought home unique items from different places around the globe. He prayed to God for a way to honor the love they shared, and what better way to pay accolades to the woman of his dreams than to allow others to see and enjoy the treasures Becky found. 

The path from dream to reality took a bit of time. The search for a spot to open the store lasted two months, Judy Willis – manager extraordinaire – explained. She went on to say, “All the place needed was a good sweeping out and mopping.” And of course, they already had their stock supplied to them by Becky. And as if Becky were looking down upon them, Judy received a surprise visit in the last week from an associate with Warner Brothers Studio. The shop was truly blessed when the lady purchased several items for an upcoming movie—the title to be announced at a later date. All businesses have overhead, and this one sale would allow Vintage Peacock to continue to share with the community and visitors from near and far about Becky and her love of people, vintage items, her furry babies, and most of all her unending love for her husband Darrell and God.

From all that this writer has heard and read, Becky Martin Stevens was someone you might meet on the off chance but never forget. Her husband says she was an old soul and a beautiful person. Her legacy will be paid forward just by looking at what she left behind. Her smile brightened the world around her, and although I didn’t know her personally, there is something so familiar about Becky that I have a feeling I have seen her before. 

Becky worked for the Carroll County School System as a Paraprofessional in Special Education at Temple High School for several years. Her love for students was well known, as was her love for the Lord Jesus Christ. She was a member of the Word of Life Gospel Ministries. She retired from Temple High in May of 2022 and had a heart attack the following January. Having married at the young ages of eighteen for Becky and nineteen for Darrell, they truly became one as described in the Bible, Judy explained. Being able to travel together was a stupendous joy for both Becky and Darrell. One of her favorite spots was Mexico Beach and another, Cedar Key. She loved to cruise yard sales, estate sales, and auctions. 

Simply and eloquently put by Darrell is the story behind Vintage Peacock – “My Becky’s Store” as he lovingly dubbed the shop in his heart. An extension of Becky Martin Stevens life. A testimony of his love for Becky and her love for others. What she was and did will continue on because of that love.

You can always find a welcoming smile from Judy Willis or Darrell when you visit Vintage Peacock located at 331Bankhead Highway in Carrollton, Georgia. You can also contact them by phoning (678) 601-3779.

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