Villa Rica Council and Police Chief Honor Corporal Tommy King
Last night the Mayor and City Council together with Villa Rica Police Chief Michael Mansour honored Corporal Tommy King for his lifesaving actions on August 11, 2015. Because he was in medical distress that day, Mr. John Harris drove his vehicle to the Villa Rica Police Department parking lot seeking help. Mr. Harris said he had been trying to drive to the hospital but was having difficulty breathing, was in pain, and could not drive any farther. Corporal King and Corporal Brown did a quick assessment, determining Mr. Harris might be having a heart attack. They radioed for an ambulance but were informed by the dispatcher the closest one was in Carrollton. Corporal King determined it would be lifethreatening to wait for the ambulance to arrive, so he and Corporal Brown placed Mr. Harris into the back seat of his personal vehicle and rushed him to the hospital with Corporal King’s patrol car following. The attending physician told the officers that Mr. Harris most likely would have died had it not been for the quick action of Corporal King. Mr. Harris and his wife attended Tuesday night’s City Council meeting and personally thanked Corporal King and everyone else involved in saving his life. Congratulations, Corporal King.