Home Carrollton “A Safe Haven: Responding to Hurricane Katrina”: Walking Exhibit Open to the...

“A Safe Haven: Responding to Hurricane Katrina”: Walking Exhibit Open to the Public This Week


On August 29th of 2005, Hurricane Katrina made landfall in the Gulf Region. The category 3 storm took 1,800 lives and displaced more than a million from the Gulf Region.


This week, the campus of the University of West Georgia has an exhibit open for viewing highlighting the steps UWG took to help providing a place of safety and comfort for the evacuees. It wasn’t just UWG who responded, but our entire community did just that with pride!


You can learn more by enjoying the walking exhibit located at the Office of Community Engagement off of 1601 Maple Street (Front Campus Drive).



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Krystal Horne
Krystal is a graduate of the University of West Georgia with a bachelor's degree in Mass Communications and a minor in Psychology. She enjoys weightlifting, loves journalism and social media, UWG football, The Walking Dead, hanging out in bookstores, photography, cooking, doing yoga, and watching Falcons football.