Home Community Enrollment Spikes for UWG Newnan: Courses Reflect Community Need

Enrollment Spikes for UWG Newnan: Courses Reflect Community Need

UWG Newnan

More of a good thing is better – especially when comes to helping students realize their unlimited potential. That’s why the University of West Georgia Newnan is pleased to announce a 40 percent increase in student enrollment for spring 2019 over the same time last year.

A count of students in spring 2018 totaled 688 students, and spring 2019 sees 935 students attending UWG Newnan. Add another 127 high school dual enrollment students, and UWG is certainly helping change many lives closer to home in Coweta County.

“We came to the current location on 80 Jackson Street in time for the summer 2015 semester,” said Dr. Robert Heaberlin, senior director of UWG Newnan and chief administrative officer of off-campus programs. “The following fall, our numbers increased dramatically after relocating from Amlajack Boulevard. However, we noticed we were not offering classes students needed to complete their core as well as various prerequisite classes for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.”

This realization led to a study and implementation of better course sequencing so that students could progress through their programs with ease and graduate on time. Working with department chairs in Newnan and Dr. David Jenks, UWG’s associate vice president for academic affairs, the improved system was implemented with great success.

“Sequencing classes in Newnan allowed students the opportunity to stay in Newnan,” Heaberlin said. “This was important because many of our students are employed here, and this change allowed them to keep their jobs.”

Increased enrollment for biology led the growth. UWG Newnan also saw significant increases in health and community wellness, as well as elementary education with a concentration in early childhood special education.

“The bachelor’s program in elementary education fulfills an important need in our community,” Heaberlin said, noting Coweta County Schools is the 19th largest school district in the state and is in constant need of teachers.

He also sees UWG Newnan as critical in meeting the growing demand for health care professionals in the area. Coweta County has increasingly become a provider of medical services in recent years, with such facilities as Piedmont Hospital, Encompass Health Care and the Cancer Treatment Centers of America among others.

“The bachelor of science in nursing and the bachelor of science in health and community wellness offered at Newnan help meet the needs of our ever-expanding health industry in Newnan and Coweta County,” Heaberlin said.

For more information, visit www.westga.edu/newnan.

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Bryan Lindenberger
Bryan Lindenberger’s early career includes work in web development, social media management (when that was message boards and MySpace...), feature writing, news writing and fiction. He’s worked extensively the past 15 years in public outreach, research, grant writing, events, public relations, communications and digital marketing including web and social media management for higher education and corporations both as staff and as a contractor and consultant. Particular interest for me has been in the nexus of business, education, and hard science fields for advancement in outcomes as well as working in messaging research, grant and other funding stream development.