To say that The WOLF Internet Radio at the University of West Georgia has had a good year would be a huge understatement. Soon after winning national recognition in the Intercollegiate Broadcasting Systems Golden Microphone Awards (IBS), The WOLF has done it yet again.
Most recently, The WOLF was recognized at the Broadcast Education Association (BEA) Festival of Media Arts in Las Vegas.
The BEA is the premiere international academic media organization that drives insights, excellence in media production and career advancement for educators, students and professionals.
Their Festival of Media Arts is an international refereed exhibition of faculty creative activities and a national showcase for student work, providing an exhibition of winning submissions at their annual conference each year.
This year, BEA presented awards from a pool of over 1,500 entries representing over 300 colleges and universities, in the categories of audio, documentary, film and video, interactive multimedia, news, scriptwriting and sports.
Bode Brooks, news director for The WOLF placed second in the hard news category for his coverage of a Nazi rally in the city of Newnan. In May of this year, Brooks became a morning anchor for Nexstar Media Group, Inc. in West Monroe, LA.
In the on-air personality category, Neriah Ethridge received an Award of Excellence for the Best of Neriah E. Currently serving as a promotions assistant for IHeart Media in Atlanta, Ethridge supervises station event set-ups and assists in development proposals for station prizes, concerts and programming and sales, among other duties.
The BEA Festival seeks to enhance and extend creative activities, teaching and professional standards in broadcasting and other forms of media communication.