Southeastern Quilt & Textile Museum – Exploration of Hand Stitching and Sashiko

Join Aaron Sanders Head for an exploration of hand-stitching and Sashiko in Carrollton, GA!

After a deep dive into the basic tools of stitching – thread, needles, fabric – participants will learn tips and tricks to create satisfying, even stitches on fabric for mending, embellishment, mixed media, or just for the sake of making. Participants will learn the basics behind hand-stitching, as well as several stitches and concepts from Sashiko stitching. Sashiko is a traditional Japanese embroidery technique, used as both decorative embellishment and utilitarian repair. Participants will learn three stitching patterns, with each introducing new skills, making samples of each of those patterns, and will finish the day with a larger piece of their own design.

Students are provided with naturally dyed fabric for stitching on, along with Sashiko thread and other naturally dyed thread for stitching with. Participants will leave with 3 stitched samples, and a plan for a larger stitched piece. If you have special fabric at home that you would prefer to stitch on, please bring it!

Aaron will have stitch kits available for purchase, including naturally dyed fabric and thread, if you’d like more materials to work with at home.


· Naturally dyed fabric

· Naturally dyed thread

· Needles, threader, snips and all sewing materials

· Rulers and marking pens


· Special fabric, clothing or home good for embellishment

· Any preferred sewing notions, like special thimbles, snips or threaders

Cost is $75.00, must Pre-Register.

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