Do you ever just think of a successful business plan during vacation and then actually put the idea to the test? Not many of us would. But in just a few short months, best friends Kaydance McKenzie and Bella King devised a business plan while on a beach vacation and executed their idea of an online boutique – and it’s working.
“We have always loved shopping together growing up, which is a good and a bad thing!” McKenzie laughs. “But we thought it would be so cool if we started our own shop.”
Enter Dazzlin Dice: an entirely online boutique with a special focus on custom tees for local high schools.
“We noticed a lot of people saying there [weren’t] a whole lot of custom tees for our schools specifically, so we started selling those,” King states.
Being high schoolers themselves not only gives them keen insight into what teens and young adults find trendy, but also what parents are looking for. The young women have observed that parents, too, want to show school spirit as much as any student.
To help them decide what potential customers would want to purchase, McKenzie and King post polls on Instagram and Facebook. Then gauging from those responses, the business partners decide on what to sell – a simple, but clever sales tactic.
Their aesthetically pleasing photos and videos also draw in customers to their social media and website. King shares that she and McKenzie meander throughout downtown Carrollton to snap photos against distinctive backgrounds that make their products pop. For instance, the photos taken of their Ruffle Sleeve Knit Top were taken in front of a rich red background.
Speaking of red, the pair also sells UGA-themed accessories as well as other SEC team-themed items.
What inspires these two to shoot for the stars? Both girls adamantly credit their parents for supporting their ideas.
“A lot goes on behind the scenes,” McKenzie states. “It’s hard running a small business, but our parents have had a big impact on us and supported us.”
McKenzie and King have also drawn inspiration from a few of their friends who have started small businesses themselves – friends who graduated high school not that long ago. With the new school year starting and a month-old business, the young entrepreneurs look forward to what this season has in store.You can shop Dazzlin Dice on their website here, and visit their Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok for product drops and more! For all other inquiries, email them at [email protected].