Dill Takes Lead at Carroll Chamber, Carroll Tomorrow 

Brian Dill, who has served as interim president and CEO of Carroll Tomorrow and the Carroll County  Chamber of Commerce, will be stepping into the role full-time.  

The Carroll County Chamber of Commerce also welcomes back Rhyne Owenby, who will return as senior  vice president of operations. 

Through the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce, Dill and Owenby will lead local efforts to grow  businesses and industries in Carroll County. And as president and CEO of Carroll Tomorrow, Dill will be  responsible for helping attract new opportunities to the region. 

“It takes vision to lead these organizations,” said Jill Duncan, a State Farm Insurance agent and chair of  the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce. “Brian and Rhyne have that, and we’re excited to see where  they take us.”  

Dill has served in an interim role since the departure of former chamber and Carroll Tomorrow president  and CEO Karen Handel. He previously worked with the chamber and Carroll Tomorrow and will continue  his duties as vice president of external affairs of Healthliant and Tanner Health System.  

Dill also serves as chair of the Georgia Public Telecommunications Commission and serves on the board  of governors for the Georgia Chamber of Commerce. 

Dill spent 16 years in corporate and industrial business development and recruitment as an economic  development senior executive in several Georgia communities, including Carroll County, as well as the  chief operating officer for the Georgia Department of Community Affairs. 

Dill earned his bachelor’s from the University of Georgia in political science and his master’s in business  through UGA’s executive MBA program. He and his family are members of First Baptist Church of  Carrollton.

Owenby returns to the chamber after serving as the director of signature events and traditions at the  University of West Georgia. She served in multiple roles with the Chamber from January 2019 to  October of last year before taking her role at the university.  

As senior vice president, she’ll continue to promote engagement through building relationships with  current chamber members, develop marketing and promotional campaigns, work with the county and  local cities to enhance relationships and help the region rebuild after the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Owenby also previously served as president of Tickled Pink Gifts, an online gift boutique, and director of marketing and institutional development for Oak Mountain Academy. She has an associate’s in applied  science, fashion merchandising from the Art Institute of Atlanta and is earning her bachelor’s in  organizational leadership from the University of West Georgia.  

“As president of the chamber and Carroll Tomorrow — while also serving as vice president of our  Healthliant program to enhance innovation and healthcare delivery — Brian is in a unique position to  bring insight and experience to his duties,” said Loy Howard, chair and co-founder of Carroll Tomorrow.  “With Rhyne, we’re going to see a brighter future in our community and our region.” 

More on the efforts of the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce and Carroll Tomorrow can be found at  carroll-ga.org.  

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